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Neukirchen, Carsten; Saraji-Bozorgzad, Mohammad Reza; Mudan, Ajit; Zimmermann, Ralf; Adam, Thomas 
Document type:
Vortrag / Presentation 
Physical and chemical characterization of emissions from a EURO 7 brake dyno 
Organizer (entity):
ETH Zürich 
Conference title:
ETH Nanoparticles Conference (27., 2024, Zürich) 
Conference title:
27th ETH Nanoparticles Conference 
Year of conference:
Date of conference beginning:
Date of conference ending:
Automotive non-exhaust emissions, such as brake- and tyre wear are of rising interest, since they will be regulated for the first time with the EURO 7 regulation. While the majority of the particle mass of these abrasion derived particles is between 1 and 10 μm, a considerable percentage of the particle number is also generated in the nanoparticle range [1]. These particles can penetrate deep into the lungs, where they deposit in the alveoli and eventually reach the bloodstream via the blood-air barrier [2]. In this study the chemical and physical properties of brake wear particles emitted from a newly developed EURO 7 compliant brake dyno were characterized. Non asbestos organic brake pads (NAO), as well as so called low metallic brake pads (LM), were compared regarding emitted particle mass (PM), particle numbers (PN), as well as their size and morphology utilizing the WLTP bake cycle. Exemplary particle number concentrations of particles < 2.5 μm during a WLTP cycle are plotted in figure 1. Figure 2 depicts a typical SEM micrograph of brake nanoparticle, showing rough edges commonly found for abrasion derived particles. ICP-MS was used for bulk analysis of heavy metals, in combination with SEM-EDX for individual elemental particle spectra, to give a broader understanding of the highly metallic nature of brake wear derived particles. Figure 2: SEM micrograph of a brake wear particle emitted from a NAO brake pad Furthermore, filters wear extracted and analysed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by GC-MS/MS to see if high local temperatures leads to generation of such carcinogenic substances at the brake interface due to thermal degradation of the polymer binding matrix of the brake pads. 
Fakultät für Maschinenbau 
MB 6 - Institut für Chemie und Umwelttechnik 
Adam, Thomas 
Research Hub UniBw M:
Ultrhas ; dtec.bw MORE ; dtec.bw LUKAS 
Open Access yes or no?:
Nein / No 
Presentation at:
27th ETH Nanoparticles Conference