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Nemetzade, Tanja 
Dissertation / Thesis 
Characterization and Application of User-Centred System Tools as Systems Engineering Support for Satellite Projects 
Förstner, Roger, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. 
Förstner, Roger, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.; Paetzold, Kristin, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. 
Tag der mündlichen Prüfung:
Satellit ; Entwurf ; Systemplanung ; Simulation ; Kunde ; Einbindung ; Hochschulschrift 
tool, simulator, modelling, simulation, user-centred, satellite, systems engineering, aerospace, quality 
Modelling & Simulation (M&S) is an important aspect in space projects which contributes to their success in both a technical and a financial perspective. However, the current M&S implementation in the early design stages is characterized by limited usefulness, knowledge transfer and application on system level. The present work introduces and verifies the System Simulator Concept (SSC) as novel M&S approach to overcome these weaknesses by fostering an increased involvement of the user in the design and development process of software solutions following the user-centred design approach. The SSC has been derived from a customized, mission specific simulator developed in ESA’s BepiColombo project. The continuous and successful use of this simulator since 2001 has been traced back to its user-centred development approach and the consequent implementation of system element relations that ultimately allow the assessment of the satellite’s emergent operational performance. As guideline, the SSC specifies the development approach, scope and handling for a successful simulator supporting the systems engineering activities within a project. The usability of the concept has been verified by its application in ESA’s LOFT feasibility phase and ESA’s JUICE definition phase at Airbus Defence and Space in support of the industrial design validation activities and by creation of a generic simulator solution applicable to early satellite design activities. The newly developed Parameter Influence Net Method (PINM) as interpretation of the SSC complements the benefits of the simulators build according to the SSC by specifically targeting at the assessment of the system structure to provide control over the system emergence. It yields the degree of influence of elements within a complex system by quantifying and visualizing the sensitivity of system parameters to value changes. In addition to the SSC, the Tool and Simulator Quality Model (TSQM) as expression of real user needs in early design phases has been derived from industry-specific surveys and interviews to support the design and implementation of software solutions towards high usability and acceptability. The TSQM defines usability as a set of individually important, co-acting quality criteria. It has been revealed that technical and handling criteria are equally important for the usability of a software solution and that the acceptability by the user is indispensable for the success of a product within a project. To conclude, the validity of the SSC and the TSQM in view of the current trends and evolutions in the M&S domain is discussed, showing that the presented concepts are a sound solution to overcome the present M&S weaknesses and to be prepared for future applications in the face of increasing system complexity. 
Fakultät für Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik 
LRT 9 - Institut für Raumfahrttechnik und Weltraumnutzung 
Förstner, Roger 
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