To prevent unethical behaviour by employees, many companies include compliance aspects in their compensation schemes. For example, ex-post bonus adjustments allow managers to retract parts of bonuses previously paid to employees in reaction to fraudulent behaviour. We propose that the level of ex-post adjustment due to an employee’s misconduct depends on the employee’s ex-ante objective performance. We further propose that this effect is reduced when the managers must justify their final bonus decision, in which they can adjust a preliminary determined bonus. We conduct two experiments and find evidence confirming our hypotheses. The participants’ subjective ex-post bonus reduction is lower (higher) when the employees’ ex-ante objective performance is higher (lower). Additionally, our data show that increasing participants’ accountability by asking participants to justify their final bonus decision reduces this effect. Further analyses show – in line with what the halo effect proposes – that participants’ perception of employee morality mediates the effect of objective performance on the ex-post bonus reduction. This mediation is moderated by the presence of justification. Our findings expand prior research and can help firms implement remuneration schemes that foster compliant employee behaviour.
«To prevent unethical behaviour by employees, many companies include compliance aspects in their compensation schemes. For example, ex-post bonus adjustments allow managers to retract parts of bonuses previously paid to employees in reaction to fraudulent behaviour. We propose that the level of ex-post adjustment due to an employee’s misconduct depends on the employee’s ex-ante objective performance. We further propose that this effect is reduced when the managers must justify their final bonus d...