    author = {Jansen, Mathias Karl-Josef},
    title = {Erfolgsfaktoren von Konversionsmaßnahmen in prosperierenden Regionen : Scharnhauser Park Ostfildern, Messestadt Riem München, Bahnstadt Heidelberg},
    editor = {},
    booktitle = {},
    series = {},
    journal = {},
    address = {},
    publisher = {},
    edition = {},
    year = {2024},
    isbn = {},
    volume = {},
    number =  {},
    pages = {},
    url = {},
    doi = {},
    keywords = {Städtebau, Nutzungsmischung, Dichte, Architektonische und Städtebauliche Qualität, Verkehr, Zwischennutzung, Partizipation, Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit, Maßnahmenmanagement, Handlungsempfehlungen},
    abstract = {Conversion measures represent a major challenge for sustainable spatial development. These challenges arise in particular due to the different spatial, social and economic conditions in the Federal Republic of Germany. Against this background, this thesis shows ways in which conversion areas can be developed for prosperous regions. The manifold connections between the active management of an individual measure and the large number of other elements within urban development projects are discussed. The individual topics are evaluated according to their importance based on the conversation measures Scharnhauser Park, Ostfildern, Germany. The relevance of political objectives and political continuity are related to the factors of time and urban development. The dissertation explores the connection between completed urban planning projects and the satisfaction of the residents / visitors of a district. It argues that the latter is linked to urban planning and architectural quality management within the urban development process. Sustainability and participation are a significant part of every urban development process. The dissertation explores the question of where and how the different topics are anchored in the overall process. In this context it argues that specific forms of organisation must be created, depending on the scope of a development measure and the size of the city. Further to this, importance of continuity of staff sharing responsibility in different units in a development process is highlighted. The results of the Scharnhauser Park conversion measures will be reviewed for plausibility and transferability on the basis of two comparative measures (Messestadt Riem, Bahnstadt Heidelberg). The result is the "Evaluation der Konversionsmaßnahme Scharnhauser Parks" ("Evaluation of the Scharnhauser Parks Conversion Measure") and "Handlungsempfehlungen für den Umgang mit Konversionsmaßnahmen in prosperierenden Regionen" ("Guidelines for Dealing with Conversion Measures in Prosperous Regions"). These guidelines are intended to assist achieving a successful implementation of conversion measures in a social, ecological and economical way. The focus of the thesis is on urban development. This thesis shows a possible framework for such an endeavour - based on lessons learned from the analyzed case studies mentioned above. However, due to the regional and municipal differences in the political landscape as well as in administrative action, following the highlighted success criteria cannot guarantee automatic success. There will always be the need for adaptation - in order to accommodate the individual spatial context and the specific issues resulting from this context.},
    note = {},
    school = {Universität der Bundeswehr München},