Atomic Layer Thermopiles (ALTP) are heat flux gauges capable of measuring wall heat fluxes in challenging high-enthalpy environments. The ALTP combines a high-frequency resolution up to theMHz-range with a linear characteristic over several orders of magnitude. In the scope of this work, a new generation of ALTPs with reduced film thicknesses are investigated for its step response behavior to a moving shock wave, including amplitude-frequency response at the Small Shock Tube facility at the Universität der Bundeswehr München (UniBwM). «
Atomic Layer Thermopiles (ALTP) are heat flux gauges capable of measuring wall heat fluxes in challenging high-enthalpy environments. The ALTP combines a high-frequency resolution up to theMHz-range with a linear characteristic over several orders of magnitude. In the scope of this work, a new generation of ALTPs with reduced film thicknesses are investigated for its step response behavior to a moving shock wave, including amplitude-frequency response at the Small Shock Tube facility at the Univ... »