The development process of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) should include user studies in order to ensure optimal human-machine-interaction. Relevant active safety test scenarios must be based on appropriate use-cases, i.e. critical traffic situations. In order to avoid endangering subjects’ physical well-being, test
equipment is required that reliably simulates obstacles with realistic appearance that are also safe to crash. For cross-traffic scenarios and the examination of lateral driving behavior, existing test equipment, such as driving
simulators, exhibit certain deficits. The authors present a compressed air powered lateral obstacle simulator (CAPLOS), a low-cost system for the creation of incursion-based critical situations. This paper describes the setup of CAPLOS and demonstrates its suitability for use in active safety ADAS user studies with exemplary driving study data.
«The development process of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) should include user studies in order to ensure optimal human-machine-interaction. Relevant active safety test scenarios must be based on appropriate use-cases, i.e. critical traffic situations. In order to avoid endangering subjects’ physical well-being, test
equipment is required that reliably simulates obstacles with realistic appearance that are also safe to crash. For cross-traffic scenarios and the examination of lateral...