This thesis deals with a learning scenario covering the lecture recording as a focal point of teaching and learning. This learning scenario is called ‘VideoLern’. VideoLern is intended to meet three central problems of the course type lecture plus practice: the lacking interaction between teacher and student, the lacking examination of the learning content as well as the poor provision of enough room for self-determined and cooperative learning. The scenario has been examined in the engineering sciences.
The thesis delivers two main results:
1. Specific guidelines were extracted, describing how teachers can implement VideoLern usefully in their courses.
2. The survey examines whether the three mentioned problems of a lecture plus practice can be solved with VideoLern.
In order to reach a scientifically profound development of the learning scenario, the Design-based Research (DBR) approach was applied. Since the DBR approach is open to changes, it offers a good methodological guideline, however not a detailed procedure for the research work itself. The search for and carrying out of a suitable designing process is therefore also part of this work. The development of the learning scenario is based on an explorative process, corresponding to the nature of the DBR approach, as well as a formative evaluation. The learning events were captured in a full scale. Not only were the test persons videotaped, but also interviewed about their motivational determination and learning performance. The data was evaluated with both, quantitative as well as qualitative approaches. The results were validated through triangulation.
«This thesis deals with a learning scenario covering the lecture recording as a focal point of teaching and learning. This learning scenario is called ‘VideoLern’. VideoLern is intended to meet three central problems of the course type lecture plus practice: the lacking interaction between teacher and student, the lacking examination of the learning content as well as the poor provision of enough room for self-determined and cooperative learning. The scenario has been examined in the engineering...